"Not everything that a man knoweth can be disclosed, nor can everything that he can disclose be regarded as timely, nor can every timely utterance be considered as suited to the capacity of those who hear it."
More holidays... I hope everyone had a chance to have a relaxing, mellow couple of days. Anna came out from Boston and Irene came down from Shutebury for a couple of very enjoyable days. The weather remained mild for this time of year (global warming/climate change... believe it!) so we were able to get out alot. Christmas eve was packed with a slammin hike to a resevoir just south of here. Irene and Anna arrived later that evening and we had a wonderful meal ala Ericka followed by games and a video. Today, we woke up and followed the Ericka family christmas tradition of stockings, breakfast then exchanging and opening gifts... wow... lots of paper noise, oooooos and aaaahhhhs and silliness, letting the coffee/tea do its thing and enjoying every moment but exhausted at the end of it all.We got it together later on enough to have a little romp on campus where Aman had the most bizarre accident, burned his hand pretty badly on a jet of steam coming from a manhole cover... but we made it through to the most amazing dinner. I put the boys down and then came down to two scrumptious pies and listened to the rest of the gang playing Wizard while I uploaded pictures and vids.
The pics are classic and to understand the silliness of some of the vids you have to google "russian climber" and watch this 10 min clip of a guy doing this sport call freerunning where folks use anything and everything to climb and jump etc. Anyway, we are heading into a week of chill time. I hope Aman's hand feels better tomorrow so we can romp (we had it on ice all night... vamos a ver). We will probably go to Beacon, NY to visit Dad and Janet and all the Ruhes down there towards the end of the week....Old_man’s_freerunning#3Old_man’s_freerunning#2Old_mans_freerunning#1Old_man’s_freerunning#4
Still moving and grooving. "El tiempo pasa. Nos vamos poniendo viejo"... but not really. It is the spark in the eye that counts. Everything else fades, strenghtens, weakens and then we are gone... to the next realm, the next stage in our flow towards God. I have also been thinking and wanting to write about the concept that we as humans have three basic "powers" from which all the rest of our "powers" are derived. These are: Knowledge, Love and Will. Another topic I have been exploring that I want to share at a later date to see if I can get any help from any of you who read this blog is what I call "the silliness of moral pluralism"... I will elaborate later.
Meanwhile, we have been cruising along. It is still pretty tough with the boys, especially Aman who is being plagued by terrible bouts of uncontrollable anger which he can't control. Britt and I have been forced to "control" it for him and it has been taking its toll on us. Other than this difficult item we are rolling. The boys are doing well in school, Isaiah writing and reading really well now and Aman on the verge of reading. Aman seems to like school alot more than Zai but we think it is because Isaiah doesn't have a pal yet he can get in trouble with... but we are working on that setting up play dates and getting more involved with the class. Britt's work is going really well and the program she sttarted continues to take off. My work has gotten really interesting with some new design-from-scratch jobs that I am flying solo on.
Anyway. That was a quick update. I will fill you all in with more later. Here are some recent pics and vid of Gooey_Experiments .