Thursday, April 06, 2006

Uncle Salad

I just had an incredible, hour-long conversation with Josh today that reminded me of how much I love him and miss him. He is in Peru for a couple of months working on some film projects and visiting a "friend". He called using his VOIP phone and the connection was perfect! Thanks again Yoshie. While we were talking, I was reminded of the simply fantastic visit he paid us late last year in Costa Rica. He came for 10 days I was able to take time off to hang and take some trips with him and while at work he was able to hang with Britt and the boys. He also had a chance to chill with Jaleh and some of her friends as well as, in the usual Josh fashion, to continue to further amplify his network of contacts by meeting with local producers and other folks that you connect with when you are an amazing artist/producer/writer/filmmaker/cineaste/musician/etc. One of the things that floored me about his visit was the connection he established with Isaiah and Amán who calls him "Uncle Salad" due to his passion for the fresh crunchy cleanliness (it could be cleanly crunchiness... not sure) of salads. They hiked together, laughed, filmed, giggled, made funny sounds, learned some new breakdance moves, frolicked on big sand banks at the beach, fed horses... etc. ...Yoshie and I had a fantastic surf session one afternoon. We were so happy we stayed in the water until it was almost pitch black. Wow! Yosh... what else can I say... thank you again...! It was a great romp...

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