Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Loud and Raucous One

So today was the loud version of the kid's party. ~20 kids or so and a very successful hour in the colder-than-usual water. Some friends from their old school in Shutebury, some from Wildwood, some from Baha'i school and other special folks. Then it was downstairs to a very cramped hallway for another hour of pizza, cake and sorted fizzy drinks. We thought that it was going to be a disaster all cramped down there but it turned out to be alot of fun and defeaningly loud (what?). The boys appeared to have a great time and came back to the house happy. Short but sweet and to the point. Spent the rest of the afternoon with the Brandons chillin here at the crib. Again loud but pleasing. The video shows the energy level witnessed this morning before the party. Pre-Party

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