Saturday, March 18, 2006

2 1/2 Days Left of Fasting!!

Isaiah had a presentation at school on Wednesday. His class presented "Where the Wild Things Are" at an assembly for the whole school. 1 group read the story into the microphone, another group worked shadow puppets and the last group came charging into the auditorium at the appropriate times wearing masks and roaring. Isaiah was part of this last group and they made us all laugh while they "roared their terrible roars...". That afternoon, Isaiah's friend Aiden came over to the house to play. Here's a picture of the boys and their masks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Somehow, this fast was one of the easier ones and there was more focus on my relationship with God. I should say a greater awareness of my distance from that relationship!

The pictures of the boys are so cute. Aman looks like he's shooting upwards

Love you all