Sunday, July 23, 2006

Reunion Tidbits

The previous post by the way was inspired by Amán who had just taught himself the art(?) of crossing his eyes. We just came back from a week in western massachusetts. We had another hectic yet highly successfull Alschuler family reunion given the circumstances. Elena came up from NYC, Lise and Ann from Chicago, Zoe and Cload from Canada, Suzzane flew out from Santa Barbara, Brian came up from Knoxville, TN and the rest of us made the drive out from Shutesbury. We spent the week hiking, swimming, playing miniature golf and playing boggle between meals. I commuted in to work every morning and was back in time each evening for dinner and bedtime routines (no vacation accrued yet). Other tidbits? Well, I bought another mountain bike a few weeks ago and I am excited to get out and explore some new trails around here. My last "friend" of 10 years I left in the attic of our house in Costa Rica for David. I put some spectacular miles on that last bike and I think it still has quite a bit more left in it. My contributions at work are getting "chunkier" and I am starting to feel like a real contributing member of the team. It's funny how that tends to take "so long" at new jobs. I still have alot to relearn but atleast I am feeling like I can contribute. They have shut down the plant for this upcoming week and sent everyone home which will give me the opportunity to tackle some projects around the house, help Al out wherever I can, break in the bike etc. Did I tell you that Alfie and Ericka got 6 Guinea hens? The chicks need to be held daily and the boys are very happy. We are hoping they we help control the tick (and general insect) population around the house. Well I am kinda spacey right now and ready for bed. I will throw more out later.


Anonymous said...

looks like it was a great family get-together! I love the picture of the boys - I look at every detail (because I miss them so much) and I noticed that even though Isaiah is taller, Aman's knees are higher :/

I love miniature golf and wish there was place in Costa Rica where we could play :<

Colin, I'm glad you have a week off to do the things you love doing. Any new songs?????

Love you all

Anonymous said...

Oh, and is that chubby little cutie Anika?

How adorable can one baby be!